I have a bone to pick with new age whores who lash out at other humans, who call other humans evil assholes, but refuse to see how evil the fuck THEY ARE as a matter of fact.

I guess I am just fed up with hypocrites pronto. Having an immediate dislike in assholes who think themselves holy when they are just as vile as fuck as the one they are after.

I don’t know what type of HIPPIE WEED these motherfuckers are smoking, or what type of UNGODLY SELF-HYPNOSIS they are using, to keep themselves disconnected from their TRUE HYPOCRITICAL (DARK AND EVIL) SELVES.  BUT that shit must be so good, that it totally makes them look like bigots without any sense of self-awareness, to ever enable themselves to turn into a decent human being for fucks sakes.

These love and lighters are always finding a TARGET to bully, in this case HUMANITY as a whole, as long as they are NOT PART of the crowd – so they are not human because they are ALIEN you know. They are the different ones, they are the special ones.

This as a matter of fact is called “gaslighting” or “scapegoating” to take the attention away from themselves, so that these idiots don’t have to look at themselves, to improve themselves.

It is as if, despite claims of reincarnation and karma, that humanity as a whole (including these narcissist new age motherfuckers) is nothing but a cesspool of ignorance, they don’t want to improve as people, because they can just come back and do the same shit over again – well that is their logic, I am beginning to think maybe humans like dying and killing (bullying) people, wtf is wrong with this world?

This whole age of Aquarius is a fucking sham people!! If people were born into the so called “golden age” these son of a bitches, had to have some sense of DIVINITY right, but where the fuck is that? As I am looking around, I see that ALL OF US are stuck in some wicked cycle, and the myriad of humans have no care in the world to stop this shit.

My question is thus – do humans just like to FUCK UP things in general, and knowing that they can come back each time, they just don’t give a fucking fuck? What if they fuck up planet earth so good, they cannot come back ever again?

What was the point of this post again – questioning idiots who don’t know they are fucking idiots!?



I can write an entire rant about what I think about you exactly for being such a fucking idiot, and accusing me of all sorts of things because you cannot hear yourself speaking, being unable to hear yourself out as a fool…

yes shame.

But my peace lies in the fact that you are an idiot,

and fucketh thyself thou shalt do!!


Let us get one thing straight, there is great difference between pagans and otherkin individuals, particularly those who make fun of spiritual matters – those otherkin who only want to label themselves as some supernatural being such as a fairy, angel, werewolf just to “feel” special, and nothing more.

It works as some type of safety-net or coping mechanism for them, to hypnotize themselves into “feeling” special if they play the role of such otherkin kintype long and hard enough.

But using it as a coping mechanism to feel good and forget about your problems, denying that it actually exists by “enacting this label” [in quation marks because they are not really enacting anything supernatural, it is more like a human safety procaution used by the human to protect itself against its own psyche] , does not mean just because you are using a stereotypical online popculture label that you are truly on a spiritual path.

Being part of a popculture does not mean that you are on a true spiritual path to finding true answers. Since people join these “cults” for the wrong reasons that has nothing to do with truly finding the self, rather with a need to be part of something to feel somehow included.

Lastly, these people do not seek to work on themselves, they get caught up in the “cosplay” adventures, and that is where it ends.

Pagans on the other hand are spiritual warriors, they are not afraid to leave the crowd, to think outside of the box and to really work on themselves.


So I actually went against my own word and trolled that otherkin turd that created various fake accounts [on some retarded site that thinks housing otherkin nutters makes them more money] and this troll even went so far to create an online “video log” channel to get my attention.

All that I learned from this experience is not anything I did not already know about them – it did however confirm my suspicions that they are not able to be rehabilitated from complete stupidity and clown-ass-ism.

They are so wrapped up in their bullshit show that they cannot see outside of it, nor even see or hear themselves from the outside in. They are not there to grow, they are just there to waste away on the internet, they are not there to learn anything or to teach jackshit to any person about true spiritual matters.

To them living the “troll-life” is something they simply cannot live without – they have become addicted to wasting their time away, in a small space on the internet [relevant forum], to forget about their life for a few seconds and for some it is even a whole day experience day after day.

So they hide in these little boxes they create for themselves, hiding from themselves, and gradually pining away on a mental level. But these fucks are so stupid, they cannot see it, in fact they refuse to see their spiritual deterioration, because it would be too devastating to actually see how they really are, and to work on it from there. It is apparent that they are so sensitive and hanging on some sort of emotional crisis thread that they simply cannot afford to shock themselves back to reality.

I just decided there and then – that I will never ever attempt to help anyone of these pieces of shit ever again in my life, because they do not want to help themselves, in fact help is the last thing on their mind when they get to pity themselves on the internet all day, and have little groupies to cheer them on in their “wasting away” session on the internet.

So I am writing this not to help these stupid irritating fucks, but to leave it as humor kicks for those like me who are simply fed up with idiots online making a mockery out of the supernatural, because they cannot face up to what it really is.

If talking bullshit on a constant basis was a sickness, these idiots would have been terminal by now, and I believe, sadly, they already are!

Illuminati Exposé Zealots

Okay I am just seeing this shit about all the people getting their youtube channels on about all the illuminati puppets.

In every movie, they just have to tear apart every single symbol, just to get a dangerous fucking illuminati symbol.

I find it interesting, yet fucking stupid at the same time.

When can these people ever enjoy a good fucking movie with a TRUE OPEN MIND? When can they realize a true spiritual lesson hidden in any story?

And some of these freaks even call themselves christians or followers of the most high.

Oh fucking please. This new age, illuminati bullshit, is just making people more fucking closed minded. As if they have tunnel vision or something which they cannot fucking escape from.

They see some chick get a reptilian eye in the movie Lucy, or some picture that looks like an alien, and they are all like the reptilians are going to fucking eat ya alive crap.

To me the movie, Lucy, had great spiritual connotations. In fact, when she got a little reptilian eye shift going on, it was her going back to her primal roots, and then her eye got like squarely formed, to show some box maybe?

Yeah those too much involved with all this reptilian shit, are fucking cunts, and maybe live in one big squared fucking CUNT AKA mental prison/box.

I was once like that too, but it all leads to nowhere, and leads to less sense than common sense.

I knew an old man, who put all his life and energy into exposing the NEW WORLD ORDER, he died a very sad and pathetic man, his works never even got successfully published, he did not get famous trying to expose the SNAKES that rule the world,  no, his life just passed him by, and he died a nobody that missed life’s truest opportunities for growth. Maybe this is what the reptiles want, for you to get so involved in the illuminati bullshit, that you lose track of your own fucking life, and just deteriorate as a person trapped in that fucking ‘Mental box’.

Which reminds me, one day I was reading some fucked up book about illuminati symbolism and a woman walked by saying “why bother with that trash, you have such a great mind!?”

You were born to live, not to become so closed minded that you think you are actually open minded by living in some [other] square mental box.


So I saw this thing on some new age bitch’s facebook today, where she says that when she was young, she would prefer the company of older people. But now she is just enamored by the by energy of young people. And now that she is finally in her 60s [ripe old age of sixty] that she would rather spend her time with and surrounded by young people. What fucking friend is she to her older pals? I wonder.

I wrote her the following reply:

“Older people are also pulsating with a fountain of youth just waiting to be explored… a soul is always young… in fact you can learn from everybody of every age. Don’t be blind…everyone is seeking…when you grow old, to see the mystery behind the ragged veil becomes a talent and a healing gift.”

This is the problem that I have with this new age fucking trash. Now some evil chicks claiming to have superpowers use it only to prey on young minds, and not to help them or anybody for that matter.

She might have been attracted to WISDOM when she was young. But now she only attracted to POWER, control and manipulation over unsuspecting souls. I don’t want to go in detail about what she exactly said, but she imagined herself a kid of 25 years old drawing from the fountain of youth from the young people around her.

So it became clear to me, that she only uses her “witch” like status to manipulate and control people, and not so much as to SEEK and explore spirituality with other people.

This broad is stuck something terrible. I now know what happened to me, and why she was never my true friend. These new age trash cunts don’t have your best interests at heart. She did not want to help me evolve on my spiritual journey at all, because she wanted to manipulate and control me.

But at the end of the day, you have to sever these toxic relationships and walk your own path, even if some say they CAN BE YOUR TEACHER, and that they are the only ones that can show you the way, IT IS FUCKING BULLSHIT. You are the only one that can take you on your own journey of spiritual development, in fact those who say they know you, don’t know shit about you in the first place and cannot possibly know what is best for YOU as a person. Yes I might have fooled myself, thinking that some new age guru can help me, but it was necessary to see that SHE COULD NOT, ONLY YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF.

And there is no need to waste time feeling disappointed by these trash bags, don’t cry about them, each tear you cry, you waste another second getting to know yourself.


Disciple : Oh wise and all-knowing one, take me to the realm of perfect peace.

Master : If I take YOU to that realm, it will no longer be peaceful.

Zen dialogue
Sacred Space, Life Is Funny
The Times Of India, 24/04/2014

Apparently to the new age guru, the meaning of life is to be able to take a joke [being played on you].

As for the picture above – fucking bitch, never allowed me to speak, never valued what I had to say or what I was feeling, I was always too young to understand or just fucking crazy and had to shut up for her comfort zone to continue to exist where she was the one in control, having power. It was always all about her, screw spiritual principles like NamasteWHAT FUCKING FRIEND IS THAT I ASK YOU!? When truth be told, I believe she was always afraid of stepping out of her fucking comfort zone, AND WHAT FUCKING GURU IS THAT ??, when true growth is supposed to be explored outside of the comfort zone?

Anyhow, if she was a true spiritual teacher, she would know that she does not really have control over anything in this life, and would have made peace with that to appreciate the soul, me, that came into her life. Of course, I don’t even think she appreciates her own children for what they truly are if this is the case.

Another guru joke that I would like to say in her face:

Oh boy! Oh boy!” cried the monk-on-probation who had just cracked the Zen Master’s favorite (and valuable) drinking cup.
The frightened youngster went to the Zen Master and asked, “Why must there be death?”
The Master answered, “Death is natural. It comes to all persons and things. We should not greet it with fear or meet death with anger. Why do you ask?”
“Because, Master, death has come upon your cup.”

She cannot be loving and open hearted with her out of control emotions going on:


…you gotta be shitting me madam throes!!!!!


Today I was like, why should anyone bother to nail an otherkin troll that manages to get you banned from a site? Why should I pull their tricks by also creating tons of fake profiles ONLY to spy on people NOT WORTH MY TIME?

In fact, I thought to myself, why bother at all with that stupid bitch? Because she has so many new age idiots following her, and to them I WILL ALWAYS BE THE TROLL when I try to help them… So you know what fuck them all, I honestly don’t care if that attention whore of a troll stays on that website to fuck with as many YOUNG and ADULT minds as possible… “adult” minds lmfao……… what the fuck are they doing in an RPG forum, and this troll bitch also claims to be an adult, but her mind is truly that of a 3 year old, who only wants quick attention, but cannot reason to win a spelling bee……..lmfao

So my suggestion to anyone fed up with a NEW AGE OR OTHERKIN TROLL is IF THEY BAN YOU, DON’T GIVE A FUCK, DON’T EVEN WORRY ABOUT THE WELL BEING OF THOSE LEFT BEHIND AT THE MERCY OF THE ONLINE PREDATOR AKA TROLL. FUCK THEM ALL. And the TROLL is making a fool out themselves for all to see, and they think it is cool. Sometimes it is best to leave a blithering idiot to their idiotic devices – to see what idiots would follow, and act EQUALLY SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, note SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, they don’t need us to destroy them, they are fucking themselves over by acting like moronic teenagers.


This is a short story in which i am going to tell how HOW TO NOT BECOME YOUR OWN WORST enemy dealing with otherkin fucktards online:

1) Firstly you have to realize that they might CLAIM (just say) they have superpowers, meaning they DO NOT ACTUALLY HAVE IT;

2) Your mind is your own worst enemy if you really fall for that shit that the “powerful” otherkin demon is going to get you, by attacking you on a psychic level – meaning do not create your own demon in your head, that has nothing to do with the OTHERKIN roleplayer – don’t create a powerful being that is out to get you IN YOUR MIND, and allowing it to destroy you inside of you;

3) Lastly you need to be aware of HOW THEY PROVE THEMSELVES TO BE TOTAL FRAUDS, to be able to win this game in your head – a monster that is truly powerless cannot hurt you in your head, and in fact should not even exist in your head as something worthy of consideration.

4) PS: GUARD AGAINST YOUR OWN FEELINGS, fears AND INSECURITIES, they are the ones that conjure the imaginary monster inside of your head.


So I got banned by another site, and not the site I am going to mention in this post, and I can imagine the otherkin who accomplished getting me banned, doing their little victory dance for months on end – i am not mad because I realized that that is just how stupid and immature they are, and i am one step ahead of this shit……. since they cannot talk about anything else; other than how hated they are, and how good they are AT HATING those who apparently HATE THEM too……. they cannot teach people shit, they cannot speak about anything else other than how special they are, and how they deserve superior attention apart from anybody else on this planet…….but they never give valid reasons as to why anyone with a half a brain should take them seriously as in proving themselves to be spiritual leaders or teachers…….no they don’t do that, see they are just those things without having to work on themselves or to prove their skills……… is all pretend and a downward spiral from there.

Then I came to a tumblr post, a guy was banned from some other asinine otherkin site, who proves yet again HOW BAD THEY ARE WHEN FACED WITH CONFLICT, they would rather AVOID IT BY BANNING KIDS who know they are full of shit, than proving that they are not – maybe because that is just easier, because they simply CANNOT PROVE THAT THEY ARE NOT FULL OF SHIT.

Here is another piece of proof how they gang up on people because they don’t get royal treatment, again: i cannot understand why they are entitled to ROYAL TREATMENT when they TREAT OTHER HUMANS THAT ARE NOT AS SPECIAL AS THEY ARE LIKE TRASH….and when  they want to dehumanize humans; saying how they want to kill them for stealing their rightful otherkin terrority – slang for HUMANS stealing their shine, for apparently WORKING HARDER to get somewhere in life, and not just sitting in front of the internet all day playing games hoping success will just fall on their heads with a snap of a finger……… also saying how they want to deprive humans of free speech and other HUMAN rights, that only the OTHERKIN (NON HUMANS) are entitled to…how ironic.

It seems that the otherkin find great joy in publicly humiliating anyone (otherkin or not) online…anyone who opposes them or who they just cannot stand………. yeah that is part of their sadistic natures – acting tough online, but offline being total wimps…they have no story or life outside of the internet. They sit like zombies 24/7 in front of their computers, waiting to TROLL whoever stumbles across their “HISTRIONIC – NARCISSISTIC ATTACK” OF being “GOD” in their own right, thinking getting someone banned from an online site is the same as showing to their clan, pack or cult that they are capable of murder and great displays of power – but it all comes down to cowardice really, and how they are incapable of growth in the first place, not being able to speak to people like adults, and not being able to STAND CONFLICT, a total inability to deal with it…..they cannot stand being confronted in any sense…….because they are spineless shitheads…who cannot think further than their low-self esteem crisis AKA their special snowflake syndrome…………in their heads they must be special at all times or they will just die of shame……..showing how much they really hate themselves…….and how little faith they really have in themselves……….. there is this sick delusion they all share………that they are gods and everyone who treats them otherwise must be destroyed………..they deem themselves untouchable ONLINE, because in REAL LIFE they are being TOUCHED TOO MUCH you see………..they cannot feel victimized online too. Anyhow if you can make sense of this diatribe a round of applause to you!


Basically it all comes down to the otherkin always putting themselves on a pedestal ONLINE because they are too afraid of falling ONLINE because if they FALL ONLINE they would FALL IN REAL LIFE – which life expectancy is holding on for dear life in REAL LIFE OUTSIDE OF THE VIRTUAL HAVEN they dwell in……..


Fuck yeah, they are depressed son of a bitches……..with dim hopes on life…hence living ONLINE, and unable to stand the thought of them EVER BEING UNPLUGGED from the INTERNET SYSTEM that keeps them ALIVE in another dimension of digital technology…….. I think I understand the matrix a little bit better now – it is about people who cannot face the music or the shit EVER……. and live in a world of LA LA LAND instead to avoid ever seeing IT.



On a last note – when they ban those who STIMULATE THEM THE MOST, who they CAN TROLL ALL DAY…..then they TRULY REMOVE the main seat of their entertainment………..and it is fine by me……..because sometimes you just have to let trolls starve….and not give them what they desperately want – attention. Because they are threatened by people who MAKE THEM THINK because they KNOW THEY CANNOT THINK…and use the antagonist as a scapegoat for their frustrations in life…….you are basically a punchbag for their unresolved mental issues, that is all……when they troll you, you are nothing but a doormat……..because they cannot solve their problems, and take it out on people around them instead…and that will never stop………the art is TO REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THEIR SIGHT……and GET THEM TO TROLL EACH OTHER………so that they can reveal their true natures to their fellow otherkin, to turn them against each other, to make them see themselves for what they truly are – BRAINDEAD ARSEHOLES WITH ISSUES THEY DON’T HAVE THE ABILITY TO SOLVE.


Another article that caught my attention is OTHERKIN cursing feminists for being anti-otherkin: in my opinion if you get shunned by a feminist it is because you are full of shit in the first place, and secondly NOT INTELLECTUALLY EQUIP ENOUGH TO REALIZE IT.







After having been banned by a site that supports deluded otherkin, and otherkin who do not only rely on their “otherkin status” but as well as on how well they can manipulate people into giving them attention to enforce fear and even more stupidity, such as giving them NUDE photos of themselves to join their cults, promising that they would be some supernatural creature if they would buy the same or to safeguard their online protection if they accept any other perverted offer they make them…….


I am of the opinion that anyone joining an OTHERKIN cult is an UTTER RETARD……. then you also get other who would ask other “senior” otherkin for spells to turn them into some magical creature and is even prepared to give their front teeth and last penny to them to make it happen……….


I am starting to make peace with the whole ordeal, that they are telling lies all over the internet, and are joining idiotic cults to the detriment of themselves and others.


It is just like this you see, I believe that anything corrupt would ultimately self-destruct itself.


And frantically I am not writing these articles to save any one of them trapped in a cult…….I am writing this for those WHO would straightfowardly refuse to join such cults due to the repercussions of not only dumb-ing yourself down to retard level, but also how you would hurt yourself joining such a pack of utter idiots….also do not even try reasoning with them on online forums, in their little deluded minds, they are right, and remember the whole world is against them because they are sooo damn special.


I believe now, that any fight YOU WOULD ever think of having with them is USELESS, and a worthless attempt to rehabilitate them from new age retardism……..see my problem is that I always cared too much, NOW I SAY FUCK THAT, if they want to be part of such cults, let them, and let them destroy themselves………everyone is responsible for their own choices in life…and you cannot force anyone to see the truth if they like living in la la land because it is way better than living in real life…or in a place where there is no religious or new age bullshit to help them run away from reality all the time.


WHAT I HAVE REALIZED is that these new age fuckers, are not here to save the world, they are just here to run away from everything…….and as such we should leave them be, and allow that to be their end path….they deserve no respect, having been trolled by them for ever 6 years and being called all the names in the book………don’t tell me that they are any more special than the ordinary ONLINE BULLY AND TROLL. That would be a lie…they would want you to believe that they are somewhat special, but the moment you realize that they can do nothing but name calling, and that they cannot debate in a mature way on their beliefs……you know that they DO NOT REALLY STAND FOR ANYTHING, nor possess higher reasoning faculties. They are just another bunch of braindead zombies who would ultimately get fucked over by their own ignorance. And guess what, due to their special snowflake syndrome, and the fucked up attitude that accompanies it, no one would give a shit about these pathetic pieces of shit. So if they push people away, sitting on their pedestals of being above human……they should not cry when no one is going to be there to help them when they cry for help.


I am a very accommodating person…but sometimes you just have to draw the line you know……if people cannot help themselves, then what use is there in YOU TRYING TO HELP THEM, when there is NO WILL on their part to save themselves.


I guess my greatest lesson in all of this bullshit, was to teach me how to let go, and respecting people’s freewill, no matter how insane and off the mark it proves to be…… long as they leave me be, AND I CAN IGNORE THEM, AND DON’T HAVE TO SPEAK TO THEM…….but if they start to harass me………and want me to join their fucked up causes……….then I will fight back…and not just sit back…yet again, the best and most effective way TO AVOID THEM ON THE INTERNET is just to block and ignore… you don’t have to take part in every argument you are invited to..afterall, they just want attention….because apparently being a snowflake does not make them feel loved enough…they just have to fuck over some more people and strip nude or create some fucked up cult for more “love”………low self-esteem shows just how much they hate themselves….and when someone hates themselves so much you cannot hate them any more to make them feel even more shittier about themselves.


a few quotes describing their self-contempt if they have to go so far for attention with their bizarre attention seeking schemes, and no i don’t feel sorry for them, i just cannot, they lost all my respect, this just proves how pathetic they really are: